
Advancing Integrity and the Texas Election Coalition have worked together to craft several resolutions to the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Platform. The purpose of these resolutions is to start conversations, shape the RPT Platform, and set the tone for the 89th Legislative Session in 2025. You can help advance these resolutions by becoming an Election Integrity Delegate.

While we recommend all of these resolutions, we understand that not all delegates will agree with all of them. Please feel free to copy only the ones you want to promote. You will see that we do not have resolutions for some of our top priority issues like closed primaries, ensuring voters are citizens, and moving local elections to November. This is because the RPT Platform already has solid language on these issues.

If you would like to present all of our recommended resolutions, we have grouped them into categories and created PDFs for you to download and print. Don’t forget to bring 3 copies of each page. You will also need to add the date of the Precinct Convention, your Precinct number, your county, and your Senate District number. Those can be typed or handwritten at the bottom or top.

We also have them available individually. Listed below are the “Be it Resolved” portions of the resolutions. That’s the gist of what the resolution is trying to accomplish. Click the “Be it Resolved” to access the full resolution with brief explanations of the reasons for the resolutions, each beginning with “Whereas.” You do want to keep them in this format for the convention, but you can put more than one per page. Just be prepared to “divide the question” if your fellow delegates don’t approve of all of them.

Don’t forget to bring 3 copies of each page. You will also need to add the date of the Precinct Convention, your Precinct number, your county, and your Senate District number. Those can be typed or handwritten at the bottom or top.

Voting By Mail

These resolutions all concern the process of voting by mail.

  1. Be it Resolved that an addition should be made to plank 242 stating, “Requiring that all voters requesting a ballot by mail utilize the official application form.”
  2. Be it Resolved that two additions should be made to RPT Platform Plank 242 that read as follows:
    • “The voter registrar and early voting clerk shall scan and electronically retain all voter registration forms, applications for ballot by mail, and carrier envelopes.” 
    • “The early voting clerk must have software available to display all electronically available signatures together for use in signature verification.”
  3. Be it Resolved that an addition should be made to RPT Platform Plank 242 stating, “Requiring that ballots not be separated from their carrier envelopes until the polls close on election day.”

Voter Registration

These resolutions all concern the accuracy and transparency of the voter rolls and the process of voter registration.

  1. Be it Resolved that an addition should be made to plank 243 stating, “Requiring a wet signature for all voter registration applications.”
  2. Be it Resolved that an addition should be made to plank 243 stating, “Requiring voter registrars to make list maintenance activities publicly available including county-specific plans for these activities, updates for when these activities are completed, and notations in the voter rolls for each activity.”

Party Affiliation

These resolutions concern the party affiliation of elected officials. Read more about the need for local government party affiliation HERE.

  1. Be it Resolved that an addition should be made to RPT Platform Plank 242 stating, “Adding party affiliation to locally elected officials, including city council members, school board trustees, etc.”
  2. Be it Resolved that an addition should be made to RPT Platform Plank 242 stating, “242. Prohibiting a candidate from running as a Republican if that candidate, within the previous 2 years, registered as a member of another party by voting in another party’s primary election or attending another party’s convention as a delegate.”

Election Process

These resolutions concern various aspects of the election process. For more information on preferential voting systems, click HERE.

  1. Be it Resolved that an addition should be made to RPT Platform Plank 242 stating, “Requiring that all election records be secured with a two person control chain of custody, including uniquely numbered, logged seals. All printed records must have timestamps.”
  2. Be it Resolved that an addition should be made to RPT Platform Plank 242 stating, “Every voting location must maintain a paper poll list, Section 63.003d must be removed from the Election Code.”
  3. Be it Resolved that an addition should be made to RPT Platform Plank 242 stating, “Requiring precinct based polling, eliminating countywide polling.”
  4. Be it Resolved that an addition should be made to RPT Platform Plank 242 stating, “Banning all preferential voting systems, such as ranked choice voting.”


These resolutions change current language in the RPT Platform. Most are updates after the passage of legislation, but one is a tweak of the language to make it more precise and effective. Click on the links indicated below for each of these resolutions. The text that has been struck through is the language to be removed and the text in red is the language to be added.

The updates reflect changes made to the Election Code by SB 1, passed in the 2nd Special Session of the 87th Legislature.

The updates reflect changes made to the Election Code by HB 1243, passed in the Regular Session of the 88th Legislature.

The updates reflect changes made to the Election Code by SB 1970, passed in the Regular Session of the 88th Legislature.

The updates clarify that both Early Voting and voting on Election Day will follow the Election Day procedures, allowing for precinct-based polling during Early Voting as well.