How to Become an Election Integrity Delegate

Most political parties have some sort of convention process where citizens can represent their districts as delegates to party conventions. A few of them are conducted in the same way. For the sake of brevity, this training focuses on the Republican Party delegate process.

Step 1. Vote

Your vote in the Republican Party Primary Election is your ticket to your Republican Precinct Convention. Since Texas has open primaries, this is how voters register their party affiliation. Be sure to take note of your voting precinct number, you will need that for the next step.

Step 2. Plan to Attend Your Precinct Convention

There are a few ways to find out when and where your Precinct Convention will be held. They are required to take place sometime after the polls close on Election Day and before the County/Senate District (SD) Convention on March 23. 

When you vote in the Primary Election, look for the required posting in your polling location. In some counties, handouts are provided at the polling locations. Many county party websites have the details posted as well. When in doubt, call your county party headquarters for the information. 

Step 3. Prepare Your Resolutions

Click HERE for the Advancing Integrity recommended resolutions. You will need to take 3 copies of each resolution with you to the convention. Several resolutions may be combined on one page, but they will technically be considered one resolution that either passes or fails. For the precinct and County/SD conventions you will have the opportunity to “divide the question.” This would allow you to separate out a more hotly contested resolution from the others so they may pass. 

Step 4. Attend Your Precinct Convention

Your Precinct Chair will typically conduct the convention business, but you will have the opportunity to elect someone else to serve as Convention Chair if needed or the votes are in someone else’s favor. If you are the only person who attends your Precinct Convention, don’t worry. There will be a packet provided to you with easy to follow instructions and in some cases other precincts meeting in the same building to help.

While at the Precinct Convention you will have the opportunity to introduce your resolutions and those of others attending. Then everyone will vote on whether or not they will proceed to the County/SD Convention. 

The delegates present will also elect delegates and alternates to the County/SD Convention. If you are not able to attend your precinct convention, be sure that someone else who is attending nominates you to be a delegate. Depending on the size of your precinct and the number of people wishing to attend the County/SD Convention, there may not be enough spots available for everyone to be a delegate. Typically when this happens, the other nominees will be named alternates who can take the place of delegates unable to attend the next convention.

Make sure you are signed up to be an Election Integrity Delegate so we can send you information on what to do at that next level.