Partisan Groups have no place in Texas Elections

On Tuesday, Advancing Integrity called on Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson to investigate and use her authority over elections to stop county election administrators from subsidizing partisan groups.

Currently, many county election office websites host links to organizations that have advocated for stridently liberal policies and against sound election reforms for decades.

Chief among these groups is the League of Women Voters. This organization presents itself as “nonpartisan” but has come under scrutiny from conservatives for promoting issues such as gun control and abortion. They even advocate for same-day registration and a complete elimination of Voter ID.

Election administration must be clear of favoritism to one side or the other to ensure trust in the process and to ensure every citizen’s right to make informed, unbiased decisions.

Unfortunately, there is a substantial and noticeable infiltration of partisan narratives into our elections. Multiple county elections departments across the state, such as Harris, Dallas, and even small counties like Palo Pinto, have featured these links on their websites.

While these guides may offer seemingly impartial information on voting, they veer into territory that contradicts the very essence of nonpartisanship.

Advancing Integrity exists to promote nonpartisanship and transparency in elections.

To this end, we urge immediate action to remove any links to partisan activist groups from elections department websites. By doing so we can ensure that voters are empowered to make decisions based on accurate information, uninfluenced by external political narratives.

We call upon authorities to recognize the urgency of this issue and take swift action.

Removing potential sources of partisan influence from elections department websites is paramount to upholding our system’s integrity and preserving every Texan’s rights.

Sign our petition to urge the Secretary of State to remove partisan links here!