What You Can Do To Secure Elections in Texas

We didn’t make any forward progress on election integrity in the 88th session. Instead, we came dangerously close to taking a large step backward with HB 3159, a bill that would have opened the door to online voting. We ask Governor Abbott to add election integrity to his special session call.

We do not have to wait for the legislature to act, however. There are many things you can do to improve the integrity of the elections in your county right now!

How to Help

  • Serve:
    • Election Worker- Election workers are on the front lines, ensuring integrity and security. These positions vary in experience required and time commitment, find the one that is right for you. The Presiding or Alternate Judge, Clerk, Signature Verification Committee, and Early Voting Ballot Board positions are all paid positions.
    • Poll Watcher/Greeter- These volunteers are the eyes and ears of the judges, parties, or candidates both inside and outside the polls.
    • Precinct Chair- The Precinct Chair is elected to represent a voting precinct in the Republican or Democrat Party. The Chair is responsible for educating voters, getting them to the polls to vote, and representing them inside the Party structure.
    • Convention Delegate- Party Platforms, Rules, and Priorities are decided at the State Conventions. It is imperative that election integrity is properly represented.
    • Block walker- Anyone block walking as a Precinct Chair or on behalf of a candidate or ballot measure should be taking note of residency and challenging voter registration as needed.
  • Know Your Elections Department:
    • Election Officials- It is important to establish a good working relationship with county election officials. Get to know them, ask for a tour, ask questions about list maintenance, chain of custody, open records, etc.
    • Attend the Public Test- Prior to each election the county must perform a Logic and Accuracy Test on the voting machines. This test is open to the public and should be well attended.
  • Accountability:
    • County Commissioners Court- Many of the decisions affecting elections are made by the County Judge and Commissioners Court such as budgets and the appointing of Election Judges.
    • County Election Commission- This Commission is responsible for hiring and/or firing the Elections Administrator. The members are the County Judge, County Clerk, Tax Assessor-Collector, Republican County Chair, and Democratic County Chair.
    • County Election Board- This Board is responsible for administering election supplies. The members are the County Judge, County Clerk, Elections Administrator, Sheriff, Republican County Chair, and Democratic County Chair.
    • Recruit Candidates- Always be recruiting candidates to run for the elected positions listed above. Officials will need to be replaced when they retire, choose to not seek reelection, or fail to properly serve the county by upholding election integrity.