What Three Court of Criminal Appeals Races Mean for Election Integrity

On Election Day, Republican Primary Voters sent a clear message – restore prosecuting power to the Attorney General. 


For decades the Office of the Attorney General had the concurrent jurisdiction to prosecute election fraud. That meant that both the AG and the local district attorney could prosecute these cases. District attorneys, reluctant or afraid, typically failed to challenge those committing election fraud and left that task to the AG’s Election Integrity Division. 

This Division was small previous to 2020, but growing in size. As it grew, it began to uncover election fraud across the state. Just as the unit was beginning to gain ground in the battle against election fraud, it was shut down in a controversial court decision.

In 2021, an 8-1 decision was made by activist judges on the Court of Criminal Appeals that took the ability to prosecute election fraud from the Attorney General. The decision stemmed from a case where the AG’s office stepped in when the Jefferson County District Attorney failed to prosecute a sheriff for campaign finance violations. 

As a result, the ability of the Attorney General to criminally enforce election law was stripped. Now, Texans must rely on reluctant, fearful, or George Soros-backed district attorneys to enforce election law. They were failing to act before the court’s decision and most are still failing to act now.

The Solution

Since we cannot trust local district attorneys to bring election fraudsters to justice, Texas must restore prosecuting power back to the Attorney General. 

The Republican Primary voters shouted their support by voting to replace Presiding Judge Sharon Keller, Judge Barbara Hervey, and Judge Michelle Slaughter. All three Court of Criminal Appeals judges up for reelection this year will not be returning to their jobs, replaced by David Schenck, Gina Parker, and Lee Finley.

With three new election integrity champions on the Court, the time to act is now. We must continue to send a clear message to prioritize the prosecution of election fraud. Sign our petition to restore prosecuting power back to the Attorney General here!