How to Check and Update Your Voter Registration in Texas

As the deadline to register to vote in Texas approaches on ,,February 5, it is crucial for citizens to verify and update their voter registration status to ensure they can exercise their right to vote in the correct district where they currently reside.

,,The Secretary of State’s website provides a user-friendly platform for Texans to check their voter registration details and make any necessary updates. Here is how to do it!

Step 1: Visit the Secretary of State’s Website

To begin the process of checking and updating your voter registration in Texas,,, visit the official website of the Texas Secretary of State

Step 2: Enter, Verify, and Confirm Information

After entering your details, such as your Name, County, and Date of Birth, the system will display your current voter registration status. Verify that all the information is accurate, including your name and address. If there are any discrepancies or if you have recently moved, take the opportunity to update your information.

Step 3: Make Necessary Changes

Click on the “Change my address” tab and go from there if you need to update your address. 

Step 4: Important Reminders

Double-check the deadline: Be aware that the deadline to register to vote in Texas is February 5th. Ensure that you complete the verification and updating process before this date to participate in upcoming elections. Additionally, you may have other elections coming up besides the March 5th primary. You can view those while there!

Make sure to encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to check and update their voter registration status as well!