Hotline Hottakes

Advancing Integrity launched its Election Integrity Hotline in February, just in time for the 2024 Primary Elections. The phone lines were busy with everything from drive-through voting to rogue election judges. There is a lot of work that must be done to fully secure Texas elections.

Educating Voters

First of all, it is absolutely imperative that we educate voters on the voting process. Many calls involved political clothing worn inside polling locations, the conduct of voters inside the polling location, and incorrect ballot styles. 

Several callers were told they could not carry sample ballots, notes, slate cards, or political flyers into the polling locations. This is untrue. The judge may ask you to keep those items folded, tucked away, and out of view of other voters, but you can bring them with you. After all, you cannot use your phone while voting. In fact, you should bring a sample ballot with you to ensure you are given the correct ballot style with the correct candidates for your district. 

PLEASE REMEMBER that once you cast your vote and leave the polling location, there is nothing that can be done to fix an error on your ballot. It is heartbreaking when voters call about a candidate missing from their ballot or any other error after they have cast their vote and left the building. You do have the ability to “spoil” your ballot BEFORE you slide it into the scanner. You can even ask the vote to completely cancel your check-in and you can then call the hotline, get assistance, and vote elsewhere or later. 

Advancing Integrity has developed a Quick Guide for voters voting in person and one for those voting by mail to help voters through the process. We will also have an FAQ ready for the Runoff elections. 

Educating Election Workers, Watchers, and Greeters

Many of the issues reported to the Hotline could have been avoided with more thorough training for the poll workers, poll watchers, and poll greeters. This is typically the case as humans tend to make human errors. 

Both sides of the 100 foot line had struggles staying inside the guidelines. Overzealous election judges were reported to the Hotline for restricting the free speech of poll greeters acting inside the law, while some poll watchers were reported for overzealous electioneering. 

Advancing Integrity is working on minimizing human errors by developing Quick Guides and FAQs for Election Workers, Watchers, and Greeters. You can already find a Quick Guide for Poll Watchers HERE.    

Did you see something during the Primary Election that you would like to report. Call the Election Integrity Hotline! 833- TX VOTE3.