Denton ISD Employees Illegally Electioneer but Dodge Penalties?

An explicit instance of politically motivated electioneering by two government employees has concluded with no public trial or criminal penalties for the defendants.

Married couple Jesus and Lindsay Lujan are both administrators for the Denton County Independent School District. Jesus is the principal of Borman Elementary, and Lindsay is the former principal of Alexander Elementary, having recently been promoted to director of special services for the district.

Following complaints submitted by many local voters and a grand jury indictment, the two Denton employees admitted to criminal electioneering by using the tax-payer funded ISD email system to command school staff to vote for anti-school choice candidates in the Republican primary election. The Lujans used the county email platform to distribute political messaging and encouragement to prevent school choice in Texas.

They were originally charged in April with a Class A misdemeanor, unlawful use of an internal mail system for political advertising, which levied up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine. With their plea hearing having been scheduled for August 14th following numerous delays, the Lujan’s lawyer announced the day prior that they were opting for a pre-trial diversion, avoiding public court proceedings and resulting in having their crimes absolved.

Pre-trial diversions are voluntary and allow defendants to be recused from trial and sentencing if they confess their guilt to prosecutors and comply with conditions determined by the local district attorney.

Efforts to undermine the integrity of Texas elections by using public funds to sway voters should not be taken lightly. While the Lujans are the first to be criminally prosecuted, they are not the first to be exposed for abusing tax-payer dollars in this way. Several other districts have been called out for similar activity, the use of public ISD resources to discourage voters from choosing candidates who support school choice. 

Advancing Integrity works to ensure the sanctity of Texas election systems and raises awareness of election fraud, which is often overlooked or dismissed as inconsequential. The American people deserve to not have their own tax-dollars used against them.