Non-citizens in Government Roles?

A recent proposal by the Dallas Charter Review Commission would allow non-U.S. citizens to serve on government boards. At its core, the idea of allowing non-citizens to hold positions of authority within our government undermines the fundamental principles of our country.

Citizenship carries with it certain rights and responsibilities, including the privilege of participating in the electoral process through voting and serving in public office. Granting these rights to individuals who are not legally recognized as citizens dilutes the value and significance of citizenship itself.

Moreover, the proposed amendment disregards the legal framework that governs eligibility for public service roles. By replacing the term “citizen” with “residents” or “people,” the amendment blurs the distinction between citizens and non-citizens, potentially eroding the integrity of the selection process for government boards and commissions.

This move also sends a concerning message about the prioritization of political agendas over the rule of law. Upholding the rule of law means adhering to established legal norms and respecting the rights and privileges of citizenship.

Furthermore, it is crucial to remember that only American citizens should have the right to vote in American elections. Allowing non-citizens to serve on government boards could set a dangerous precedent and undermine the sanctity of the electoral process. Upholding the principles of citizen governance, it is essential for the Dallas Charter Review Commission to reconsider this ill-conceived proposal and prioritize the interests of all citizens. Maintaining the integrity of our electoral process requires a steadfast commitment to upholding the rule of law and preserving the rights and responsibilities of citizenship for all Americans.