Is Ohio beating Texas?

Election data retention and transparency is a crucial element to ensuring trust in election processes.

Ohio recently bolstered election integrity with passage of the DATA Act, an initiative of Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRosa.

The DATA Act sets consistent standards for retaining election data, a crucial step towards greater transparency and accountability. Specifically, the Act codifies standardized definitions for digital election data.

This should afford election watchdogs in Ohio accurate and comprehensive post-election analysis opportunities, a game-changer that sets a high standard for other states.

The creation of the Office of Data Analytics and Archives under the Office of the Secretary of State is a significant leap towards centralizing the management and review of electronic election records. This move streamlines the process, making it more efficient and accessible for election officials and the public alike.

Transparency is the bedrock of any robust democracy, and the DATA Act ensures just that. By crowdsourcing and platforming election data for public scrutiny, Ohio is fostering trust in its electoral system. This transparency initiative will not only provide immediate post-election auditing but also enable year-over-year comparative analysis, further enhancing the accountability of the state’s elections.

Additionally, the DATA Act enforces the retention and public disclosure of election data at all levels—local, state, and federal—through the Office of Data Analytics and Archives. This systematic approach ensures that vital information is preserved for historical reference and open to the public’s examination.

As Ohio takes this significant stride toward election integrity, it serves as an inspiring example for other states, including Texas. Texas should consider following Ohio’s lead by implementing similar measures to secure and enhance the transparency of its elections. By adopting standardized definitions for election data, centralizing data management, promoting public access, and enforcing data retention, Texas can fortify its electoral process and instill confidence in its citizens.

Unfortunately, in Texas election administrators have erected barriers to transparency that render current retention regimes largely irrelevant.

In the spirit of safeguarding our elections, Texas should seize this opportunity to prioritize election integrity and transparency. Ohio has set the bar high, and it’s time for Texas to rise to the occasion and ensure that its elections remain a shining beacon of accountability and trustworthiness for all Americans.