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Join the Texas Election Coalition

Would you like to join fellow Texans across the state, working together to restore accuracy, transparency, and accountability to our elections?

Advancing Integrity and The Advancing Integrity Foundation, in partnership with The Election Integrity Network would like to invite you to join the Texas Election Coalition. Spend your lunch with us every Wednesday at noon and learn about all of the threats to election integrity and how you can help to fight them. You can also join our working groups, each laser focused on a particular aspect of elections like voter rolls, legislation, or the election process itself. We also encourage you to join the EIN National Working Groups. We all have something we can learn from each other and it is going to take all of us working together to fix our broken elections.

Join the Coalition’s Legislative Working Group

Dive in Deeper

Learn more about the election integrity legislation moving through the Texas Legislature during the 89th Session. Volunteer to research and track specific bills, or just join in the discussion. Don’t wait, bill deadlines come quickly and the session only lasts until June. We meet via Zoom on Thursday evenings from 7pm-8pm.


The most important thing you can do is cast an informed vote in each election. One vote can and does make a difference. Be prepared when you go vote with the Quick Guides below:

Become an Election Worker

Presiding or Alternate Judge: These are the most crucial roles to fill with trained, trustworthy people. The Presiding Judge is in charge of the polling location. County Party Chairs submit lists of names to the County Commissioner’s Court who appoints the judges based on the results of the most recent gubernatorial election. If the Republican candidate won in a precinct, that precinct has a Republican Presiding Judge. The Alternate Judge is then from the Democratic Party and serves as a clerk or becomes the Presiding Judge if that Judge is absent. These are paid positions and judges are required to be in the polling location from before the polls open until after the polls close.

Election Clerks: These are the second most crucial roles to fill with trained, trustworthy people. Typically the Presiding Judges choose and appoint their clerks. They can do this with the help of the Elections Office or their County Party Chair so contact these offices to become a clerk. These are paid positions but can be worked in shifts.

These positions must be filled for each polling location, the central counting station, the Signature Verification Committee (SVC), and the Early Voting Ballot Board (EVBB).

The Secretary of State provides online handbooks and training materials, Judges should also receive training from the Elections Office and possible the County Party Office.

Volunteer as a Poll Watcher

Poll Watchers are an integral part of the election process. They are the extra sets of eyes and ears inside the polling location, both backing up the election workers and holding them accountable. All Poll Watchers must complete the training developed by the Texas Secretary of State and bring their certification with them to their assigned location. NOTE: Certification obtained before September 1st will NOT be valid for the November 2024 election. You MUST complete your certification training AFTER August 31st.

Once you obtain your certification, you can be appointed to a specific location by a candidate, your political party’s County Chair, or a PAC that is supporting or opposing a bond or measure on the ballot. You can be appointed to a polling location, the central counting station, the Signature Verification Committee, or the Early Voting Ballot Board.

We suggest that you get some supplemental training as well. Contact your local political party’s office to find out if they are offering additional training. If not, Contact Us and we will try to find available training in your area. We suggest you also print our Quick Guide, follow the steps, and take it with you. Advancing Integrity will also have additional resources for you soon.