For Voters:

The most important thing you can do is cast an informed vote in each election. One vote can and does make a difference.

We highly encourage you to vote in person, inside the polling location. That is the only way to ensure the safety, security, and secrecy of your vote. However, we also want all eligible voters to be able to vote. If you are physically unable to enter the polling location due to disability, absence from the county, or confinement in jail, vote by mail.

Curbside voting should be used as an absolute last resort, not as a method for convenience. Remember, voters with disabilities wishing to vote inside the polling location do not have to wait in line. By law they can skip ahead and vote first.

Whichever method you use, be prepared when you vote with the Quick Guides below:

Please feel free to download and print these guides. Hand them out or email them to your neighbors and friends.