Non-Citizens ADMIT to Being Registered and VOTING in Georgia Elections.

The Oversight Project, an affiliate of the Heritage Foundation, conducted a groundbreaking undercover operation in which they video documented numerous non-citizens admitting to being both registered to vote and already having voted in Georgia elections.

Originally posted on the social media platform X by @OversightPR, footage reveals residents of the Elliot Norcross apartment complex in Norcross, Georgia discussing their voter registration status. The journalists, speaking Spanish to accommodate the majority-non-citizen residents, posed two questions to each interviewee: “are you a citizen, and are you registered to vote?” According to Muckraker, 14% of respondents admitted to being both non-citizens and registered to vote.

One of the non-citizens even asserted that she had already voted, although which particular election she voted in is unknown.

In obtaining the information, Oversight Project reporters claimed to be members of an organization dedicated to “registering Hispanics to vote.” In regards to how the respondents claimed they were registered, some mentioned that “a person came” to their doors to get them registered, and others said that they were registered with their work. 

One respondent was caught on video questioning why he was being asked about his citizenship status. “No, we are illegal. But we are established in this country and without us, this country wouldn’t be worthwhile. Do you understand me? Because we’re the best workers in the United States.”

In the state of Georgia, there are approximately 339,000 non-citizen occupants. To put this number in additional perspective, with the revelation that many of these people are voting in Georgia elections, the 2020 Presidential Election results in the state were decided by less than 12,000 votes.

Many members of the Democratic Party, including the current president, assert that illegal immigrants do not vote in American elections. They often use this false claim to strike down calls for enhanced election integrity, and advanced security measures to certify citizenship among voters. “It is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in Federal elections — it is a Federal crime punishable by prison and fines,” the President stated in an address voicing his opposition to the SAVE Act. It would appear that the non-citizens themselves would beg to differ.

One thing is clear: if this is being allowed to happen in Georgia, it’s being allowed to happen everywhere, including Texas. In many areas of the state, bad actors are willfully breaking the law and registering non-citizens, knowing full well that they will not be prosecuted by left-wing district attorneys that will refuse to prosecute such crimes that benefit their partisan ideology. Election systems nationwide are not safe, and they are being co-opted and hijacked by foreign nationals voting against the best interests of the American people. 

Advancing Integrity is dedicated to exposing and combating such egregious violations and we need your help. Texans must step up and ensure that every polling location has at least one trained and trustworthy poll worker. These individuals can make sure that each voter has a valid ID and that foreign nationals aren’t just waved through the line. We will not allow the American people to be disenfranchised, and their votes rendered powerless by non-citizen interference.