The Most Important Vote in the Legislative Session

The Texas Democratic Platform of 2024 calls for same-day and online voter registration, universal, no-excuse ballot by mail, expanded early voting periods and countywide vote centers, eliminating the Photo Voter ID law, and many other changes that would compromise and in some cases destroy the integrity of Texas elections. If adherents to that platform are put in charge of the Texas House, the fate of legislation that would secure our elections would be bleak. Unfortunately, that is exactly what could happen on the first day of the 89th Legislative Session. 

This isn’t the first time. In fact, since 2009, the Texas Speaker of the House has been chosen by the Democrats. Each session a left-leaning Republican Representative secures the support of House Democrats before seeking about a dozen House Republicans to defect from their party with promises of favor. Then, with his victory assured, he approaches the remaining Republicans for their support. Those who refuse to vote for him tend to see their bills fail and their authority diminished. 

Not only does the Speaker set the tone for the entire session by heavy-handedly presiding over the vote on the House rules, he controls every part of the legislative process. He appoints his loyal followers to strategic positions. He rewards Democratic supporters with Chairmanships and positions of power that, as the minority party, they would normally be denied. 

All bills that either originate in the House or are sent from the Senate must be assigned to a House Committee. Election integrity related bills typically go to the Elections Committee. The 5 Republican and 4 Democratic members of the Elections Committee become the gatekeepers for election legislation. Nothing passes out of the committee unless a majority of the nine members allow it to pass. In addition, a bill cannot even be heard by the committee unless it is called up by the Chairman of the committee. It is not difficult for the Speaker to have an enormous influence on his chosen Chairman and the actions of the committee. 

In the past, the Republican Chairmen of the Elections Committee would often use delay tactics to keep strong election integrity bills from being passed out of their committees, later using the excuse that they ran out of time. However, there are cases where enough effective pressure was applied by polite but vocal citizens to move a bill on to the next step, the Calendars Committee. 

With just 2 top supporters in the Calendars Committee, one as Chairman, the Speaker can completely control the flow of bills to the House floor. This committee, unlike the others, meets behind closed doors and does not take public comment. Crucial election integrity bills can be added to the very end of the calendar, ensuring that they run out of time. 

Texans cannot continue to allow the minority party and few rogue members of the majority party to control our legislature. Do not forget that in 2021 it was election integrity legislation that prompted House Democrats to flee Texas to break quorum and stop the vote. Also remember that then Speaker Dade Phelan could have locked the doors and blocked them from leaving but failed to do so. 

Click here to find your House Representative. Call and ask if he or she is supporting the Speaker candidate backed by Republicans or Democrats. Please always be polite.